Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1958 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1958
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 6, 1958: Committee reports; program on rocks
February 3, 1958: Program held at beginning of the meeting; Program on International Understanding with guest presenter Patrick Rossi from Genoa Italy, a Sociology Student at Northwest Nazarene College of Nampa; committee reports; new U.S. flag given to club as a gift; motion carried to give $100 to the Youth Ranch Project
March 3, 1958: Special guests from the Amity Neighborhood Club present for special silver tea in recognition of their gift to the Emergency Loan Closet and Library; committee reports; program of professors from Northwest Nazarene College of Nampa who presented musical numbers
April 7, 1958: Committee reports; discussion on if emergency chest should loan equipment outside Meridian territory, with vote to let the emergency chest committee make the decision; motion carried to donate money to Girl Scouts camp; program focused on fine arts with Mr. Finkbinder from the Nampa Art Center
May 5, 1958: Committee reports; discussion on letting out club rooms for Bible School children, motion carried to "refuse with regrets"; election of new club officers, Hazel Goodwin elected president
June 2, 1958: Elma Veach resigns as secretary of library board; letter from Harold Cox about adding a member to the library board; committee reports; several club members took turns presiding at Information Booth at the Dairy Show; installation of new club officers for 1958-59; standing committees for the next year presented
September 1, 1958: Program consisting of a report on Girls State and Mr. Dick Carr who told of his attending a convention for journalists; committee reports; full library report to be given next month
October 6, 1958: Program featuring Mr. Eberely who discussed the State of Idaho general budget as well as gambling in Idaho; committee reports; one year of National Geographic subscription donated to the library; new club historian nominated in light of current historian resignation
November 3, 1958: Program guest Mr. Eugene Culbertson of Nazarene Church to discuss how the "principle of the United Nations applied to ourselves and our community"; committee reports
December 1, 1958: Committee reports; Christmas program; attached to December minutes are special minutes from a library board meeting and an executive committee meeting
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1958, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1958", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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For educational and research use only. Copyright restrictions may apply. User is responsible for all copyright compliance. Please contact the History Center at history@mld.org or 208-888-4451, ext. 1023 for further information. The Meridian Library District is not liable for any violations of the law by users.