Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1957 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1957
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 7, 1957: Emergency chest report; President of the State Federation of Women's Clubs want club to take on Youth Ranch as their project; program a book report by Mrs. Ambrose on "The Life of a Nun"
February 4, 1957: Committee reports; club prepares projects to aid the Veterans Hospital; program guest speaker representative Joseph R. Garry, who as a member of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Tribe spoke on Indian Affairs
March 4, 1957: Committee reports; Ways & Means committee to take care of lunch at March 20th's Cancer school; motion carried to donate money for veterans; discussion on donating to Youth Home at Rupert held over to next meeting; program a book report on "Love or Perish"
April 1, 1957: Committee reports; motion carried for club to serve the Beta Sigma Phi Mothers Day Breakfast; program a play presented by the Boise Little Theatre
May 6, 1957: Committee reports; election of new officers, with Mrs. Mildred Botkin elected president
June 3, 1957: Committee reports; clubhouse has 72 rentals besides the Y-Teens; installation of new officers and the breakdown of new committees for the next year
September 2, 1957: Program presented at start of the meeting due to bus schedule and those that need to leave early; committee reports; motion carried to purchase 50 song books for $20
October 7, 1957: Committee reports; Harold Cox attended meeting and asked for club members to serve as Den Mothers and leaders for Scouts
November 4, 1957: Committee reports; open house to be held for the library on Sunday Nov. 17th; Mrs. Botkin urges members to attend a special meeting of the Meridian Dairy Show Association on December 5th in regards to a Historical Pageant suggestion to be added to annual dairy show; Oral Coleman presented a program on Thanksgiving
December 2, 1957: Committee reports; emergency chest donation report; motion carried to purchase a new U.S. Flag to replace the old one; motion carried to donate money to the Indian Scholarship Fund; program of Christmas poems and devotions
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1957, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1957", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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For educational and research use only. Copyright restrictions may apply. User is responsible for all copyright compliance. Please contact the History Center at history@mld.org or 208-888-4451, ext. 1023 for further information. The Meridian Library District is not liable for any violations of the law by users.