Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1956 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1956
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 2, 1956: Committee reports; library board reports 9,442 books loaned over 1955 with more grade school pupils using library; program of two musical numbers and a review of the life of Western artist Charles Russell
February 6, 1956: Committee reports; motion carried to donate money for a permanent backdrop for Christmas Pageant to the Chamber of Commerce; program with special guest Mr. Frank Church, former President of Crusade for Freedom project, speaking on his trip to Europe and what the crusade is doing for those behind the iron curtain
March 5, 1956: Committee reports; program with guest speaker Lt. John McDonald who spoke on "Ground Observer Corp"
April 2, 1956: Committee reports; program consisted of a cancer film
May 7, 1956: Club opened with Devotion by Mrs. Veach; committee reports; motion carried that club join the Bloodmobile group; nomination and election of club officers for next year, with Hazel Hedges elected president; program by Mrs. Pratts Girl Ensemble from Eagle Junior High sang five musical numbers
June 4, 1956: Committee reports; motion carried to raise club membership dues to $2 a year; motion carried to donate $5 to girl scout campship; motion carried to donate money to Red Cross, Cancer, and Polio; installation of new club officers; new committee member breakdown presented
September 3, 1956: Committee reports; library board reports best summer of book loans to date
October 11, 1956: Committee reports; Mrs. Heath Sebern is doing an article for The Salt Lake Tribune on history of Meridian and wants an early day history of the Occident Club, club historian to work with her; program led by Mrs. Ed. Tobert who gave a talk on "Women and the Vote"
November 5, 1956: Committee reports; program on Christmas candle making and a talk by Mr. Howard Lee, Assistant supervisor of the National Forest Recreation, on "Management of National Forest Recreation"
December 3, 1956: Committee reports; motion carried to give Children's Aid Society money
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1956, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1956", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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