Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1955 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1955
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 3, 1955: Committee reports; Beta Sigma Phi girls of Meridian gave gift of $50 to club toward a new refrigerator; motion carried for donation to March of Dimes; program consisted of humorous stories of members and their families as well as a discussion on safety
February 7, 1955: Elma Veach teaches everybody a club song she wrote; Committee reports; motion carried members bring a seed package to next meeting for Seeds for Democracy; Y-Teens; program consisted of a song performance, a history on Valentine's Day, and the modeling of old fashioned clothes from the past
March 7, 1955: Committee reports; program by Mrs. Veach who displayed old and new articles representing changes from 1905 to 1955
April 4, 1955: Committee reports; library board report indicates a daily average of 119 books loaned; help for Easter Egg hunt discussed; program a Easter message by Mrs. Riley, a religious consultant for the district of Federated Clubs
May 2, 1955: Committee reports; election of officers for 1955-56, Elma Veach elected new president
June 6, 1955: Club got thank you letter from "Seeds for Democracy"; installation of new officers, and new committee member breakdown
September 5, 1955: Committee reports; Idaho Statesman called for a report of the work the emergency chest did; Y-Teens in need of a leader and continued rental of clubhouse; program consisted of a panel on the Collect, with Elma Veach also providing a verse on the Collect
October 3, 1955: Committee reports; program on the topic of "Americanism" with various speakers including Mrs. Roberts discussing how she became an American citizen
November 7, 1955: Check received from YWCA for use of club rooms; committee reports
December 5, 1955: Committee reports; program on explanations of Christmas through readings, songs, and pictures by Mrs. Andrews
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1955, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1955", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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For educational and research use only. Copyright restrictions may apply. User is responsible for all copyright compliance. Please contact the History Center at history@mld.org or 208-888-4451, ext. 1023 for further information. The Meridian Library District is not liable for any violations of the law by users.