Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1959 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1959
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 5, 1959: Program consisting of a book report on "Masters of Deceit" by Clare Hunt; committee reports; Mrs. Nita Scriviner elected new club secretary
March 6, 1959: Committee reports; Mrs. Cox presents paper on better driving responsibilities for safer traffic; emergency loan [chest] purchases new wheelchair; donation made for Girls State
Conference; Mrs. Della Cox urged women to know government, conduct forums on candidates, and focus on women for jury duties and the welcoming of new naturalized citizens; report on content of literature being sold in stores; meeting ended with a program of music and a skit
April 4, 1959: Program of mothers and their children who won recent art exhibit, with award ceremony; committee reports; club creation of a scholarship discussed and tabled for further consideration; alteration discussed and carried on how to organize club money
May 4, 1959: Committee reports; club officer elections, Gladys Stuart elected president; reports on District Convention; motion to change bylaws to update financial layout of club; meeting adjourned for a Spring Benefit Party
June 1, 1959: Program of dancing and singing; committee reports; installation of new club officers; motion carried to donate money to Girl Scouts summer camp; President Stuart makes new committee appointments
September 7, 1959: Program presented of a report of Girls State Convention; committee reports
October 5, 1959: Program by Dr. Wells on early Idaho history; committee reports; motion carried toward new budgetary arrangements; motion carried for club to donate two thermometers to the grade school nurses office
November 2, 1959: Dr. Angus McDonald from Boise Junior College presents address on "Present Day Youth and their Problems"; committee reports; library obtains 65 new books and magazines
December 7, 1959: Program of songs, Bible reading of Luke Chapter 2, and a presentation of "Paintings of Christ" by Rev. A.M. Thomas; committee reports; Vice President Carol Benjamin resigns; motion carried to donate money to Children's Home Society; Girl Scout party to be held at club without charge
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1959, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1959", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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For educational and research use only. Copyright restrictions may apply. User is responsible for all copyright compliance. Please contact the History Center at history@mld.org or 208-888-4451, ext. 1023 for further information. The Meridian Library District is not liable for any violations of the law by users.