Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1932 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1932
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 2, 1932: Mrs Cato's committee has mended 30 library books; programs laid out for next two months; motion to have Miss Tobias come to an open meeting to discuss gardening and landscaping when it could meet her schedule
February 6, 1932: Library data report; Treasurer reports on general funds; broadcasting report; screens to be made for back of club room; roof of clubhouse temporarily fixed, but needs to be raised and fixed properly; demonstrations schedules to teach lamp-shade and rug making; two papers presented on "international relationship[s]"
March 5, 1932: Committee reports and report on bills; club volunteers requested for book mending; details of Meridian Business Women's Club International Relations dinner announced; scheduled demonstration on interior decorations announced
April 3, 1932: Library report on funds and mended books and other committee reports; get out and vote the next election; clubhouse roof badly leaked during spring shower ruining books, curtains, etc; motion carried to accept $38 cost for roof; delegates selected for Federation of Women's Clubs convention; April 9th flower program announced; program by Miss Minyard of the University Extension Department
May 7, 1932: Committee reports; Motion carried to pay interest on building mortgage; communications committee shares letter from Rep. Maude Cosho about women serving on juries (Cosho was pursuing legislation to allow for women to be on juries); all club members believe it their duty to serve on juries if called; Mrs. Dodds reports May programing will be last of radio programs; election nomination selected for each office, since only one nominated for each office they were elected unanimously; new club president to be Nina Egbert; Mrs. Athey presented a talk on the work done for those with "T.B." (tuberculosis); Mrs. Davidson selected to be club auditor for the yearly audit; Red Cross report; program consisted of music and a book review
June 9, 1932: Annual club picnic; library report; American Citizenship committee announced they will do the club's July program; auditor report accepted by club; Mrs. French discussed the duties of the club historian and motion that a club history book be purchased
July 19, 1932: Various committee reports; motion carried to continue charging for library cards; Mrs. Younquist discusses the Red Cross; Mrs. Baldwin of Building Committee charged with determining if the club would have a booth at the fair; committee made to amend the club by-laws
August 13, 1932: Committee reports; Mrs. Youngquist of the Boise Red Cross spoke on a plan to establish a local (Meridian) branch of the Red Cross to help with welfare work, the Occident Club supported this by a carried motion; library report
September 10, 1932: Committee reports; fair concessions; motion carried that the older reference books from the library be given to rural schools, if they desired them; the Civic Welfare committee reports civic and church organizations did not desire to have a Red Cross chapter acquired; report on flower and vegetable show
October 1, 1932: Civic Welfare Committee seeks material from members to make quilts for needy families; Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Exhibit report; program on women getting involved in politics, looking to the welfare of the people, and getting out to vote
November 5, 1932: Committee reports; Legislative Committee reads a list of amendments to be voted on at the coming election; reference work presented to the library; library still seeks to get old reference books to rural schools; Mrs. Allison of Harmony Club discussed importance of efforts to keep telephone and electricity rates lowered so they could be within consumer reach; motion carried that the club should join with other clubs in an effort to get these utility rates lowered, and a committee was created for this purpose; program of reading and music
December 3, 1932: Library reports new Carnegie books on the shelf and suggests purchase of more fiction books, and the club approved; motion carried for the club to cooperate with the city to have a charity ball; program by Miss Minyard on selecting garments and making garments, as well as covering the subject of remodeling; musical program and book review followed
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1932, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1932", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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