Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1933 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1933
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 7, 1933: Building committee to put on a card party in February; library report; Mrs. French (Legislative Committee) talked about bills concerning women that might go before state legislature; Mrs. French discusses public welfare work being done in Meridian and the the Welfare Committee made garments for those in need and plan on doing more; repairs on clubhouse roof voted on; program consisted with some readings and music
February 11, 1933: Valentine Card Party to be held by Building Committee; library loaned many books to the high school; Better Homes of America Committee polled members of the club on interest in a two day meeting on garment work; report that petitions for lower utility rates presents to utility companies
March 4, 1933: Card party report; library report; Girl Reserve Committee announces a potluck dinner to by given by Girl Reserve; flower and seed exchange planned; a committee to look into having the roof repaired established; program provided by the Girl Reserves
April 1, 1933: Report on clubhouse roof situation; Library Fund Committee asks to have a novella sale at the next meeting, club members approve; Welfare Committee reported 350 sacks of flour given to the needy and a lot of material to be made into clothing; Mrs. French reports eight to ten calls a day come from those in need of help; April 4th the date for the flower exchange; nominations for future officers made; Dora Leighton only one nominated for new president, and is elected; rest of elections in May; a "Civic Committee" suggested; discussion given on Boy Scouts; program lecture on landscaping
May, 6, 1933: Committee reports; the Royal Neighbors and the City of Meridian each presented a tree to the club house grounds; Mrs. French (Welfare Committee) reports no more Red Cross flour for welfare work for the given time, but some sweaters available for those in need; bills and communications to club read; attached to minutes a report of the officers elected for 1933 and 1934
June 8, 1933: Bad weather takes annual club birthday picnic inside the club house; committee reports; library report; Mrs French provided a two year history of the club as club historian; committee appointed to work on changing by-laws to alter the date of club meetings; report given on the annual May Federation convention; President-elect laid out the new committee organizations for the next year; special attachment laying out the separate carnival committees of the occident club
July 8, 1933: Club minutes starting in September will now be held on the fourth thursday of each month; discussion of making and selling a quilt at a carnival for club fundraising; details on the documenting of club history; Carnival to be held in September
August 24, 1933: Committee reports; motion carried the Occident Club will give banquet for the Girl Reserves; members appointed to an advertising committee; motion made to postpone carnival to a later date as they talk to city council in regards to holding the carnival; program consisted of music
September 28, 1933: Committee reports; more books received from the Carnegie Endowment of N.Y.; Carnival committee meeting held; Flower, Fruit, Vegetables, and Grain exhibit; Mrs. French reported on the State Conference of the Red Cross, stating very little goods given to welfare this year; program on the "Discovery of America" and a piano solo
October 26, 1933: Committee reports; report on Occident Club yearbooks not being printed yet; not much response in getting people to aid with book repairing committee; motion carried that the club have an Idaho products dinner; program of musical performances
November 23, 1933: Committee reports, new books purchased by the library; motion carried that the high school borrower card price be reduced to 15 cents; bill amounts and disbursements listed; musical program
December 21, 1933: Report on money made at Idaho Products Dinner; library report; rules for obtaining books from library; committee reports; Christmas program of music
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1933, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1933", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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