Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1962 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1962
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
Community Improvement Program at beginning of minutes
January 1, 1962: Committee reports; nearly half the books loaned previous month were for children; anticipating a smaller attendance for the meeting the program plans were postponed and opened for general discussion which turned to frustration over young women and teenagers being used in liquor and tobacco ads
February 5, 1962: Mrs. Anna Hettinger, chairman of the Anti-Communist Forum, gave a talk on Communism and its aims and methods; committee reports; motion carried for club to take out a three year insurance policy for the clubhouse
March 5, 1962: Committee reports; club members to take charge of a section of town for the Red Cross drive; program consisted of songs, a joke, a discussion of the Idaho state flag, and an oddities and Antiques showing
April 2, 1962: Meeting focused on the nomination of delegates for the District Convention
May 7, 1962: Committee reports; library added 200 books to the shelves in April; motion carried to donate money to the Girl Scouts camp; elections for new club officers, Mrs. Francis [Elma] Veach elected president
June 4, 1962: Program consisted of James Rosti children who provided music, reports from Seattle's World Fair and other travels; committee reports; Alpha Alpha chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi to do a fundraiser for the library at the local drive in; emergency chest report for the previous year; installation of new club officers
July 9, 1962: Executive Board Meeting; Mrs. Veach resigns from position on library board due to her position as club president
August 15, 1962: Annual pancake breakfast a success with a couple hundred dollars made
September 3, 1962: President Veach explained anew the Collect that is said at the beginning of each club meeting, and that the Federation uses it; committee reports
October 1, 1962: Program consisting of a life sketch on Mrs. Turnipseed, who talked about "Women of a Changing World"; committee reports; highlight of the Pro-Americanism (Anti-Communism) resolutions from the recent District Convention with the topic being the focus of next month's club meeting
November 5, 1962: Special guest Mr. Laszlo Bedegi, originally from Hungary, presented plea for all American born to live in appreciation for their country and the reasons he felt this way; committee reports
December 3, 1962: Christmas story read from scriptures and carols sung; a program discussion on the different Christmas traditions from different countries was given; committee reports; library report indicates continued highs in library stats
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1962, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1962", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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