Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1961 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1961
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 2, 1961: Program held on proper use and display of our flag; committee reports; dinner proceeds go to swimming pool fund; previous state funds for library have been depleted
February 6, 1961: Committee reports; motion passed to give money donation to Meridian High School students to attend Girls State Conference; urging of club members to attend Civil Defense
meetings; Mrs. Matcham appointed to work with other city organization appointees; motion carried that Occident Club send letter to legislature that they unanimously voted in favor of retaining trading stamps in Idaho
March 6, 1961: Program by Mr. Fry on soil conservation; committee reports; motion carried for the club to donate $2 for each member toward the Youth Ranch
April 3, 1961: Program by Mrs. Janis Thompson on gerontology, specifically on current plans being made for care and interests of elderly people; committee reports; urging that all club women get a physician checkup for uterine cancer
May 1, 1961: Committee reports; nominating committee chose names for new club officers and they were voted into office (document does not list the names this time)
June 5, 1961: Motion carried for club to enter community achievement contest for the National Federation of Women's Clubs; May was the second largest month on record for the library; report on the convention of the District Federation of Women's Clubs, whose resolutions focused on fighting communism's infiltration through literature; installation of new club officers, with President Soucie re-elected; new committee assignments declared
July 18, 1961: Occident Club Executive Committee meeting held; meeting focused on clubhouse repairs and bringing back the Annual Pancake Breakfast which was not held the previous year; motion carried to bring back pancake breakfast
August 15, 1961: Pancake breakfast considered a success
September 4, 1961: First meeting back with new roof and tile floor; program focused on the Girls State delegates; committee reports; library receives new and used books and has busiest June on record
October 2, 1961: Mr. Harold Farley, Superintendent of the State Commission of Indian Affairs speaks to club; Farley spoke on the "education, social and economic problems of the Idaho Indian"; library has a large order for new books being compiled; report of first meeting of the community improvement committee meeting, they urge all club members to have a library card, to make sure all elementary teachers bring their classes to the library, and that an Appreciation Tea and Open House be held; discussion on "Women's Crusade for Seat Belts"
November 6, 1961: Discussion of Girl Scout need for sponsors; Mr. Veron speaks on the need of participants in Civil Defense; the Appreciation Tea for the library was a success; the sponsorship of a Girl Scout troop was voted against; motion carried club would cooperate in every way possible with Civil Defense program; Mrs. Roti explained material related to the anti-communist movement; meeting ended with a program report by those that attended Live, Inc.
December 4, 1961: Girls from the junior high perform music for the club; Christmas carol singing followed; committee reports; praise for the librarian Nancy Sage and her assistant; motion carried to take on insurance policies
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1961, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1961", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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