Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1942 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1942
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 5, 1942: Library report; committee reports; new library book donations; some clubhouse pipes need repair; club "Study" division to have a book study on South America
February 2, 1942: Library report; committee reports; standing water problem on clubhouse grounds; program consisted of past club presidents being presented with a corsage as the presented a resume of their presidential work
March 2, 1942: Library report; committee reports; delegates selected for Federation convention; Mrs. Knowles gave a report on sugar rationing; publicity committee sent a report on the club's Past Presidents day to the local paper; building insurance for clubhouse continued; program on the customs of Ireland, including Irish songs
April 6, 1942: Library report; committee reports; nominating committee appointed for elections; motion carried to donate to Cancer Control; water situation on clubhouse grounds taken care of; report on history of club taken; program called "Over the Garden Wall" followed by music
May 4, 1942: Library report; committee reports; Red Cross sewing and knitting day; reports from Federation convention delegates; report from nominating committee, new officers announced, Mrs. Nettie Hudson new club president; Mrs. Burnell conducted a guessing contest and performed two accordion solos; attached newspaper clipping of 1941-1942 library report; attached general club report 1941-42; attached secretary's annual report
June 1, 1942: Annual picnic; "Faith of Our Fathers" sung; library report; committee reports; defense and legislature chair gave paper on "Salvage for Victory"; believed that city will take care of club house lawn; house and grounds committee to take care of refurbishing chairs; Red Cross report, 137 knitted garments sent out; program consisted of a paper on the U.S.O.; motion carried for club to give money to the U.S.O. drive; installation of officers for the next year
July 6, 1942: Auditing committee find the audit satisfactory for the previous year; library report; committee reports; luncheon to be served monthly for the benefit of club; Mrs. Cato reports not many coming out for Red Cross sewing; new club janitor; program of music solos and a patriotic poster display "You Can Defend America"
August 3, 1942: Library report; luncheons to be served when weather gets cooler; Mrs. Cox reports small turnout for sewing, a volunteer to take charge of sewing requested; program on origin of the salute of the flag and the singing of The Star Spangled Banner
September 7, 1942: Library report; committee reports; legislative committee reports on women's work in WAAC (Women's Army Auxiliary Corps); 285 garments turned into Red Cross since February; program consisted of singing "old time sacred songs" followed by a paper on women of the Bible
October 5, 1942: Library report; committee reports; club members asked to aid in war effort by donating blood to the blood bank; Red Cross sewing report; program consisted of speakers from the city health council; home nursing discussed as needed in a shortage of nurses and hospital facilities
November 2, 1942: Library report; committee reports; club study group planning a class to study Japan; clubhouse chimney to be fixed; club to donate club rooms to all defense meetings; program on the care, pressing, and cleaning of clothes and a new fire resistant substance used on clothes; Boise Red Cross Home Nursing presentation
December 1, 1942: Luncheon held before meeting; library report; committee reports; Mrs. Frazier read article on recreation for soldiers and how women in clubs can help; review of the study group lesson on Japan; Red Cross kits; program consisted of the Christmas Story read from the books of Matthew and Luke; Christmas songs sung
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1942, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1942", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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