Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1941 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1941
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 6, 1941: Library report; committee reports; club to buy kitchen silverware; members urged to report any legislative bills they support the passage of; new tea towels donated; program consisted of group singing and a talk on the Hawaiian Islands by Mrs. Greene; attached to minutes a list of all current Occident Club members paid up to June
February 5, 1941: Library report; committee reports; Library Fund Committee reports on fundraised money; program consisting of a reading a reading, musical numbers, and a paper on "Marriage Customs of Other Lands," by Mrs. Laverne Hartwell
March 3, 1941: Library report, committee reports; more funds raised for library; Legislative Committee member Mrs. Neal gives article on State Tax Publicity; help in library obtained; repairs needed in library; motion for club to help contribute shrubs and trees to the Junior College grounds; program of Irish songs and a book review of "Not for the Meek" by Elizabeth D. Kamp
April 7, 1941: Library report; committee reports; library repairs discussed; club delegates selected to the Federation convention; program consisted of a talks on "bulb culture," and "Flower Arrangement"
April 23 & 24, 1941: Report on the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Second District Federation of Women's Clubs of Idaho
May 3, 1941: Library report; committee reports; annual club picnic date set; renting clubhouse for Bank Rehearsals; election of officers commenced, Mrs. Ellen Gottschalk elected president; program consisted of piano solos; Annual report for 1940-1941 attached to minutes
June 2, 1941: Annual picnic; library report; committee reports; installation of new club officers for the next year; program consisted of trumpet and piano solos and a talk on art
July 7, 1942: Library report; committee reports; President Gottschalk read the new committee member breakdown for the next year; club members to be divided into two groups for next year, "Home" and "Study"; suggestion for another book shower given; Mrs. Mary Matcham recognized as faithful member only missing one club meeting since 1924 organization; program consisted of stunt-games
August 4, 1941: Library report; committee reports; motion carried to cooperate with other interested groups on Children's playground and swimming pool; Red Cross sewing help needed; program of musical numbers
Sept. 1, 1941: Library report; committee reports; "Children's Playground Project" to be carried on with other Meridian organizations; finished Red Cross garments; report on "Women's Vacation Camp," program on the "History and Writing of Our National Anthem by Francis Scott Key, and what should it mean to us as Americans"
October 6, 1941: Library report; committee reports; Club receives $30 from City of Meridian; new members announced; Mrs. Velma Davidson gave a report on the history of the Occident Club; details on the "Ada County Annual Program,"; program consisted of musical numbers and rug weaving, hooked rugs, and smocked pillow demonstrations
November 3, 1941: Library report; committee reports; extended library hours; a Historian report on a past moment in club history; program of two speakers, one talk on the history of the national anthem
December 1, 1941: Potluck served; library report; committee reports; motion carried to donate to "Pressure Cooker Preservation for [illegible] Women," more Red Cross sewing needed; program consisted of Christmas carols, a lecture on hand painted china and a gift exchange
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1941, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1941", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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