Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1986 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1986
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 6, 1986: Scripture passage read and a moment of silence both in memory of Margaret Judd and Mary Alice White; Mary Boice for the program discussed their world travels on a freighter; committee reports
February 3, 1986: Program on Valentine's Day; librarian Bill Snyder talked with the club on how the library board had been searching for a suitable place for the emergency equipment, and suggested the Q.R.U. would store equipment, take calls, and let out the equipment in the name of the Occident Club; motion carried to table emergency equipment discussion until March meeting
March 3, 1986: Prior to meeting Marvin Bodine and James Shearer took group to look at possible emergency equipment storage buildings, with the library board paying the rent and insurance; during meeting a vote carried to use this facility and agreement, the storage being half a block from the library; Mr. Bodine and Mr. Shearer presented the blue prints and proposed plans for the library remodel, pointing out in detail the meeting room the club would use and the kitchen, club members unanimously accepted the plans
April 7, 1986: Program consisted of members telling stories from their childhood; committee reports; Nancy Sage to move to Littleton, Colorado so club motion carries to get her a gift
May 5, 1986: Program had each member mention a well remembered incident involving their mother; committee reports
June 1986: Club meeting at O.J.'s Restaurant; motions carried to donate $100 to both Hays Shelter Home and Tomorrow's Hope; emergency equipment was all located in new storage area; installation of the next year's club officers, Annie Jones elected club president
August 25, 1986: Club met at Yellow Rose for no-host luncheon; program on Girls State; committee reports; emergency loan now has 13 wheelchairs, one having been repaired; club to ask if old clubhouse clock can be hung in newly remodeled library; local paper reported that artifacts were found during library remodel, so club to talk with Lila Hill, head of Historical Society to get information on those artifacts; attached note of report saying the library will hang the old clock in the meeting room in the library
October 6, 1986: Club met in newly remodeled library; Lila Hill the special guest for the program discussed the history of the Occident Club and the building that is now the library; Lila presented artifacts that were recovered during the building remodel; committee reports; busy month for emergency loan with 9 calls for equipment; library open house to be October 21, 1986
November 3, 1986: Program done by Idaho Power Company on their efforts to protect bald eagles; committee reports; motion carried to donate $50 to the Meridian Historical Society; motion carried that $150 be donated to the Quick Response Unit; motion carried to continue to sell club items that are no longer in use; attached is a October 31, 1986 note on the club kitchen workday and a inventory list of Occident Club items
December 1, 1986: Club meets for dinner at Magic Recipe; committee reports; motion carried to donate $100 to the HaysHouse in Boise; motion carried to donate $1000 to Tomorrow's Hope; attached are the proposals for library window covers
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1986, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1986", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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