Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1929 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1929
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 10, 1929: America the Beautiful sung; Treasurer's report; Library committee receives $37.75 in raised money from school, now $49.69 in library fund; library has 686 borrower cards out and 700 volumes given out previous month; concern on speed of automobiles in Meridian was discussed by the Meridian board; Child Welfare Committee raised $30.26 from Christmas seal sale; Legislative committee discusses several important bills to come before Legislature; moved to allocate funds to Christmas seal fund and yearbook purchases
February 2, 1929: America the Beautiful sung; Club votes to endorse Tuberculosis Resolutions for the State Hospital that are going through the current state Legislature, will send endorsement to political leaders; club treasury has $94.41; Park committee has yet to find a favorable park location; 136 books checked out on the previous library day; bills of interest in State Legislature noted, including women's work, school, and welfare work; discussion on purchasing club property; Probate Judge John Jackson of Boise on delinquencies
March 2, 1929: America the Beautiful sung; motion passed to have representative from Children's Home of Boise come talk with the club; financial reports from the various committees; the Building committee discusses property purchasing options including Interurban Depot, nothing decided; Village Improvement Committee to call meeting to discuss Meridian clean up; Girl Reserves' Mother-Daughter banquet discussed; Library report given (800 books given out in Jan., 634 in Feb.); Miss Helen Flack gives discussion on her trip to Europe last summer
April 6, 1929: America the Beautiful sung; two club committees met together and discussed upcoming councilman election, they endorse Mr. Hoseley and Mr. Riddle, clob passed motion to endorse as well; committee reports given; Mrs. Jessie Bell chairman of Americanization Committee urged all members to register and vote in city election; nomination of occident club officers for the coming year; financials discussed; Mr. E.R. Bennett from the University of Idaho presents talk on landscaping
May 4, 1929: America the Beautiful sung; library reports 17 new volumes with 200 to 300 books given out each week; Americanization chairman thank club for voting at a nearly 100% rate the last election; motion for club to pay advertising bill for Clean Up Week; club gets involved in influencing choices for the Idaho state bird; Officers selected for the next year include Mary French as president; club delegates elected to attend Federation convention; program by W.J. Lockwood of Boise Chamber of Commerce discusses Americanization Citizenship
June 27, 1929: Annual picnic held; begun by singing America the Beautiful; motion carried that new club historians should hold position for one year; Mrs Maleer scolds club members for not reading "worthwhile books" that could be housed at the library; motion passed that July and August meeting be combined into one on August 1st; list of visitors at picnic attached to minutes; Village Committee report attached to minutes
August 1, 1929: President appoints given members to the various committees for the next year; female presidents of the Century Club of Nampa and the Improvement Club of Kuna address the club for their program
September 7, 1929: America the Beautiful sung; club accepts invitation of the Columbian Club of Boise for luncheon; financial reports given; club constitution and by-laws read
October 5, 1929: Financial reports given; prizes for Vegetable, Fruit, and Flower show discussed; Building Committee announces a dance to be given on Oct 11; club votes to purchase Interurban Building, with 22 votes for and 1 against; Vote commenced on what bid to place on the building, with $1000 big carrying the votes; Building Committee advised to bid higher if their judgement sees fit; library report on number of books donated; reading of revised constitution and by-laws, with revisions passed; suggestion to donate fruit to Children's Home instead of money this year; Mrs. Youngquist presents talk on "Benefit of a Civic Club to a Community"
October 12, 1929: Special meeting between Executive Board and Building Committee on how to purchase the Interurban Building; $1000 offer rejected, told $1205 was the least amount they would accept as that was the property value; value to stay at that rate for a few weeks; Building Committee recommends that Occident Club purchase building for $1205 and the Executive Board agrees
October 14, 1929: Special meeting of Occident Club members to discuss plans to buy the Interurban Building for club use and library building; carpenter report of examined building shows it in good condition and carpenters would donate work if bought; Building and Loan Company to loan $1000 at 8%; club agrees to buy Interurban Building at price of $1205; Moved that club draws up articles of incorporation, as they must incorporate to buy building
November 2, 1929: Recap of committee budgets allocated to pay the additional money for the building purchase; decision for club members to look into a Cemetery District to take charge looking after the cemetery
December 7, 1929: America the Beautiful sung; financial reports given; Mrs. Koger urges members to help Building committee raise funds; Mrs. Jackson of Building committee called on each member to pledge $10 to repairs on the building, and it was moved that each member strive to earn that money next year; 50 pounds of coffee donated by Davidson Grocery Company of Boise to sell and put proceeds to the building fund
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1929, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1929", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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