Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1973 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1973
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 9, 1973: Committee reports; Nancy Sage appointed to continue as librarian for 1973 and notice to Herald Cox, City Council Clerk be given; December 1972 Meridian Library Report attached
February 5, 1973: Patriotic Program by Mrs. Doris Scott; Oral Coleman resigns as treasurer, Balance Wolff appointed treasurer for remainder of term; committee reports; legislature committee discusses Idaho legal activities on discussion include repeal of "Equal Rights for Women"; property tax, and divorce insurance; Meridian Library Report February 1973 attached
March 5, 1973: Program on "Service to the Children of the Community" featuring the Meridian Athletic Association, the Junior Achievement Program, and Nancy Sage discussing children's service in libraries; committee reports; motion carried for library board to be authorized to meet with the Jayvees in attempt to clarify financial situation for building project; Oma Jenkins presents a letter commending 1968 astronauts for reading the Bible while orbiting the moon to counter an apparent censure of the astronauts for that action
April 2, 1973: Letter received from the Indian Affairs Division Public Affairs Department suggesting ways to bring Indian grievances to public attention and helping prove their situation; committee reports; nominating committee presents nominees for next year's club officers
May 5, 1973: Program focused on Mothers; committee reports; discussion on the library project and how the club may hold their federal grant; election of officers, Ethel Pilkington re-elected president
June 4, 1973: Inconclusive discussion between parties on the library building project reported; tentative date for pancake breakfast fundraiser set; President Ethel Pilkington urged members to read the Equal Rights Amendment, and that the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor would provide materials on status of women in labor; safety committee yearly report attached; installation of new club officers with Ethel Pilkington president; meeting attendance list attached
July 5, 1973: Executive Board special meeting; library building situation addressed; President Pilkington gives a present set-up and gives tour of unfinished addition, discusses the complicated shifting to apply for grant money and the issue between parties involved; apparently Jaycees wanted to take over the library project, but no contract with the Jaycees is found; library estimates "snowballed to $30,000"; further library project details discussed
July 16, 1973: Special meeting of Occident Club regarding the expenditures necessary for library addition completion; motion carried that funds from pancake breakfast go to the library building fund; shifting of various funds into the club general fund with some of these general funds helping the library addition; $4,000 of general club funds to be used for the building fund
September 3, 1973: Program by Girls State delegates; discussion of club safe deposit box; warning against the use of Aerosol as a drug; September 5th special library building meeting with the contractor, architect, club officers, and a special town steering committee; committee reports; Marion Clelen, the club's first president, passed away in Portland, Oregon in August 1973 and was given a "moment of memory"
October 1, 1973: Program by Paul Zatica of Paul's Foodland on problems of food marketing and expenses; committee reports; map of library patrons indicates library has more out-of-town patrons than in-town patrons; library board minutes read regarding the need for a library district; discussion on the possibility of forming a library district put off to next meeting
November 5, 1973: Veterans Affairs Report, Treasurer's report
November 5, 1973: Program guest a local lawyer who spoke on estate planning; library building report indicates about $13,000 available through the Occident Club; committee reports; October 1973 treasurer report; November 1973 Library Report attached, "Busy Congress" sheet attached, yearly library report attached
December 3, 1973: Christmas carols sung; reading of Christmas story; discussion of nativities in world-wide tradition; audit of funds handled by the contractor; yearly report of veterans committee
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1973, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1973", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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