Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1964 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1964
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 6, 1964: Committee reports; Mrs. Emily Hansen "(nee Emily Walt)" of Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation of Boise who discussed the foundation
February 4, 1964: Florann Young led program on "Valentine Set to Music"; committee reports; local art exhibit to be held in the clubhouse March 20th; motion to donate to Girl Scouts camp; Valentine Tea Table had at adjournment; attachment mentions a Sweetheart Party held at the clubhouse on February 13th
March 2, 1964: Program welcomed Phil Peterson and his Meridian High School vocal ensemble to perform, and followed by Rev. Newell Morgan, of First Christian Church, who showed his slides from the Holy Land; committee reports
April 6, 1964: Mr. James Branvold, school district business manager, spoke about the proposed levy and of the school's needs and how the money would be spent; recollection pointed out that the first reading of the "Club Collect" was read by Tessie Davidson in 1928; program on "Keep Idaho Green" with Alan Atckison from the Forestry Department who showed a film "Fire Prevention"; committee reports
May 4, 1964: Committee reports; nominating committee nominates next club officers, with Mrs. Ray [Minnie] Anderson nominated for president; program consisted of a demonstration of "Salad Making"
June 1, 1964: 40th Anniversary meeting with a "Past, Present, Future," program celebration; yearly reports placed on file by committees; installation of new club officers, Minnie Anderson president
June 1, 1964: Board of Directors meeting; appointment of library board for three year term; other appointments; discussion on Lions Club dinners and special events
September 7, 1964: Program on the 1964 Girl's State meeting in Caldwell; committee reports
October 5, 1964: Program on "The Challenge of Inner Space" with the emphasis on "Lord Give Us Courage, Gaiety, and the Quiet Mind"; committee reports; community projects discussed
November 2, 1964: Patriotic program focused on the wives of the first the United States Presidents; Ethel Soucie urges members to vote in upcoming election
December 7, 1964: Meridian High School's girl ensemble sang several Christmas songs; committee reports
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1964, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1964", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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For educational and research use only. Copyright restrictions may apply. User is responsible for all copyright compliance. Please contact the History Center at history@mld.org or 208-888-4451, ext. 1023 for further information. The Meridian Library District is not liable for any violations of the law by users.