Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1926 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1926
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 3, 1926: Club votes to give money to Children's Home in Boise; committee appointed to organize February library drive; paper presented on "What Idaho does for her Defective Children" and later discussed
February 6, 1926: Club ready for Feb. 19th library drive; library drive entertainment discussed; library report shows about 100 books loaned per week; discussion about joining State Federation of Clubs; paper on teaching patriotism to Children
March 6, 1926: Treasurer's report; Mrs. Miller donates children's books; attempt to join State Federation of Women's Clubs failed as O.C. was too young; agree to pay dues to dues to District Federation of Women's Clubs; Health Census committee appointed; piano solo; book report; report on "America's Japanese problem"
April 3, 1926: Election ballots passed out and filled for new officers; expenses discussed; program on flowers; flowers exchanged among all the members
May 1, 1926: Motion passed to present Meridian with a new drinking fountain; more books than ever before being checked out; election returns provided; new club officers announced; Mrs. Vera Miller to be president replacing Marion Clelen (1924-26); auditing committee appointed for book transition to new officers; Mrs. Yaggy and Mrs. French selected as delegates to District Federation of Women's Clubs (May 11-13, 1926); program title "Idaho Laws affecting Women & Children"
Undated: Club membership list for the next club year (September 1926-27) given; meeting turned over to President Miller; Miller presents new committee assignments (committee name and their members provided in minutes)
June 11, 1926: Picnic to honor club's second birthday; report from May's Federation meeting; Library report--Miss Gifford donates 35 books in past year; others listed who donated books; reports from each committee; book review for "God's Step Children" by Sarah Gertrude Millin presented
July 1, 1926: Auditing committee reports on book audit--books are correct; club asked to assist as hostesses at May 1927 District Federation of Women's clubs meeting; Boise Cooperative Creamery Co. donates ice cream to club; motion passed for club to buy a U.S. flag
August 5, 1926: Call for library book suggestions; Flag obtained by Vera Miller's husband; Mrs. Gregory presents paper on "What Children should Read"
September 2, 1926: Town Beautiful Committee announces flower and vegetable show at local grade school; motion passed for new treasurer account book; motion passed to purchase gift for Mrs. Clelan, former club president, before her Seattle move; motion passed to give Eleanor Yaggy $10 in appreciation of library work and to aid in her second year at University of Idaho; talk on Girl Reserve work
October 3, 1926: Flower and vegetable show report; treasurer report of $31.28 in Treasury; Library report--1366 books given out in past four months; assistant librarian requested for afternoons; november club meeting to be a book donation shower; music performed by members
November 6, 1926: Program held first--Mr. Adkison discusses "Home Industries"; Home Industries week established for each member to sell a home product at Songer's Pharmacy, part of money raised to State Endowment Fund; committee reports; book review on "Blue Window" presented
December 4, 1926: Motion passed to place money in the Home Building Fund; Treasurer reports balance of $56.33; motion passed to donate $5 to Children's Home; Home Products sale report--$9.50 made with part given to State Endowment Fund and part to library; Report on books given in past few months; the program consisted of discussion on proposed bills for the legislature
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1926, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1926", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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