Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1951 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1951
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 8, 1951: Americanization report mentions Susan B. Anthony election to Hall of Fame and and Mrs. Edith Sampson, "a Negro woman" being named a representative to the United Nations; committee reports; librarian report; motion passed for club to make application for membership in the Idaho Library Association; program by Mrs. Frances James discussing her 18 months in India and Pakistan
February 5, 1951: Committee reports; library board reports that 3 new book shelves gifted to library; emergency chest inventory; motions carried for club room rental to be $6 a room with coffee making permission and $7.50 if a meal was to be cooked, and to only rent a day at a time and not by month or year; motion carried to look into letting Girls Scouts use club room; program of two vocal solos and a message from Rev. Hartzell Cobbs
March 5, 1951: Committee reports; reported that club building is rented most of the time; motion carried to allow Girl Scouts use of club rooms if cared for properly; discussion to help needy family in community; program of piano numbers and a talk by Mr. Orlando Gooch a legislator in the House of Representatives
April 2, 1951: Committee reports; major business the election of delegates to State convention; a program by Miss Vera Ostragorsky on her life in Germany during the war years
May 7, 1951: Americanization report on the "Test on Citizenship"; committee reports; motion carried to have a float in the Dairy Show parade; election of officers, with Elma Burke elected new president; program on "Garden Hints" followed by a plant exchange
June 4, 1951: Committee reports; yearly president's report given; the installation of new club officers; President Elma Burke assigns new committee organization; motion carried to adjourn meetings until September; program of musical numbers and reading of original poems
September 10, 1951: Committee report; library board report on the activities over the summer, library rearranging content according to the Dewey system; club open house that night; program consisted of a "humorous skit" by the Occident Club Drama Committee
October 1, 1951: Committee reports; club members urged to buy savings bonds; Mrs. Coleman announces the "Crusade for Freedom" that started in Meridian with a motorcade coming from Boise, as members to sign the Crusade roll; motion carried to allow P.T.A. to sponsor Red Cross Class in Club rooms; program of music and a discussion of the Ada County 4-H Club by Mr. Mark Calnon
November 5, 1951: Committee reports; motion carried that club help in the "Care for Korea" drive; program consisted of readings and a talk on "Lost Communications"
December 3, 1951: Committee reports; motion carried to continue with Lions Club dinners; library board reports purchase of new books; program of students from Northwest Nazarene College at Nampa featuring musical numbers and a talk by Rev, A.J. Finkbeiner on "Height Dignity, Respective"
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1951, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1951", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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For educational and research use only. Copyright restrictions may apply. User is responsible for all copyright compliance. Please contact the History Center at history@mld.org or 208-888-4451, ext. 1023 for further information. The Meridian Library District is not liable for any violations of the law by users.