Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1949 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1949
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 3, 1949: Committee reports; report of money made from bazaar and cooked food sale; money raised for the library discussed
January 17, 1949: Luncheon given by officers of the club; special meeting with Mrs. Hogsett the state President of Federated Clubs; club donation given to the Infantile Paralysis Fund
February 14, 1949: Meeting was delayed one week due to snow and extreme cold; committee reports; emergency closet inventory report, with motion carried to buy another oxygen tent; Lions Club dinners report, with vote to continue providing dinners to raise money; a rule made regarding damaged emergency chest equipment
March 7, 1949: General Federation of Women's Clubs to hold nationwide "Build a Better Community" contest, club voted to enter highlighting the library and their emergency chest; motion for club pins to be purchased for outgoing presidents; club to purchase wedding gift for club president Zelema Matthews Rose
April 4, 1949: Committee reports; nomination committee selected for upcoming club elections
May 2, 1949: Communication appealing for Korean educational supplies, club members voted to do anything possible at this time to help; suggestion made to write film companies urging higher moral standards in films produced; club members agree to send six dollars to state TB Hospital; committee reports; nominating committee mentions new officials, Oral Coleman selected to be new club president
June 7, 1949: Committee reports: yearly library report given including that 3,997 books were loaned by library in past club year; installation of new club officers; new committee appointments listed; 1948-1949 club roll call list attached to minutes
September 5, 1949: Committee reports: trouble in trying to keep clubhouse grounds watered; invitations to the Library Tea event to be sent; discussion and vote taken to continue serving dinners to the Lions Club; program consisted of each member present giving a brief account of their most enjoyable vacation experience
September 9, 1949: Meeting of the executive committee called to consider project of putting on a play to make money; motion carried to do so, but date determined later
September 12, 1949: The executive committee met again to discuss whether to join with the Chamber of Commerce in sponsoring a reception for grade and high school teachers; motion carried
October 3, 1949: Executive committee meeting actions approved by members; committee reports; emergency chest report states 36 items in the chest; Girl Scout using club rooms without permission of present officers, motion carried to rent to adults only; motion carried to have October 17th be the 25th Anniversary Silver Tea; program featured special guest who "favored us with 2 lovely spirituals"
November 7, 1949: Committee reports; report on Scout breakfast; report from the Silver Tea event; City Council presents club $500; motion carried to appoint a Library Board that would aid in choosing new books, sorting out old ones, and giving general help to librarians; President appoints Elma Veach, Mrs Baird, and the 3 current librarians to be on the Library Board; motion carried that next meeting instead of Christmas gift exchange gifts be collected to send to Korea, such as school supplies and books; discussion of the play "Laff it Off" the club contracted to help benefit the Library Building Fund
December 5, 1949: Committee reports: financial report on play and Lions Club dinner; library report; more help needed for Lions Club dinners; list of dues paying members; many members brough school supplies to send to Korea; Oral Coleman presented an article on Korea; program consisting of musical numbers
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1949, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1949", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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