Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1947 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1947
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 6, 1947: Committee reports; Lions Dinner report; legislative committee read a paper on the "Inaugural Ceremony,"; program on music with special guest singers
February 3, 1947: Americanism committee member Mrs. Davidson presented a paper on "railroading"; letter read about an anti-tuberculosis movement, club asked to write letter to state senator asking for Idaho to buy a mobile unit to study tuberculosis condition in Idaho communities followed by a carried motion to have club secretary write a letter to Congressman on this matter; nomination of delegates for Federation convention; committee reports; recreation hall closed until March since everyone is interested in basketball right now; program consisted of music numbers and two papers, one on Basque people and one Chinese
March 3, 1947: Motion carried to allow Mrs. Cox money for telephone calls since she makes many for emergency chest; committee reports; motion carried that the club raises dinners they serve to one dollar a plate instead of 75 cents; motion carried to donate money to the Red Cross; study group committee now studying Central America; program consisted of the presentation of a radio script
April 7, 1947: Committee reports; discussion on whether to continue Lions Club dinners with motion carried to continue a little while longer; the recreation hall is once again opened; 20 new song books bought for club; Mrs. R.H. Bell read paper on Cancer Control, and motion carried for club to donate to its cause; motion carried for members to help take census of the town; nominating committee appointed to help prepare for club elections; program consisted of an article on Better Homes of America
May 5, 1947: Committee reports; emergency closet mentions their oxygen tent is ready for use; study group on Mexico, will study Alaska next time; motion carried to continue meetings through the summer; election of officers commenced; Lee Thurman and Mrs. Patch elected president and vice president; program consisted of a book report on "The Peacock Sheds its Tail" by Hobart
June 2, 1947: Decision made by club to move Marguerite Patch to the role of club president; committee reports; city says they will not mow the clubhouse lawn; Mrs. Sandy provided the yearly library report numbers from June 1, 1946 to June 1, 1947; motion carried to have yearly library report published in the Meridian Times newspaper; library receives half the money made from the Lions Club dinners; yearly report of all the locations the study group discussed; full yearly emergency closet report given; installation of new club officers, Mrs. Patch officially new president
July 7, 1947: Small attendance meant only regular business to be handled; program of poetry reading; only 8 members present for the meeting
August 4, 1947: Committee reports sparse; program a paper on Highway and Street Safety
September 1, 1947: Committee reports; legislative committee reported that Japanese prisoners "are being excused from camps"; Red Cross overseas gifts drive
October 6, 1947: Committee reports; library asks for more volunteers to help out; motion made and carried to buy more coal for the clubhouse; program consisted of discussion on how to organize and organization, a report on the life of Mary and Martha, a report of first aid and other talking points
November 3, 1947: Letter from Women's Action Committee read to club about uniting American women to work "for full participation in the U.N. in order to build a world of peace and justice under law," committee reports; emergency closet items removed to be stored at a room in city hall; legislative committee reported on Equal Rights Bill; program consisted of reports from several members
December 1947: During Christmas potluck girls from the high school choir sung; gift exchange held after dinner; committee reports; legislative committee gave a report on Bill of Rights
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1947, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1947", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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