Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1944 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1944
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 3, 1944: Library report; committee reports; Red Cross report; clubhouse kitchen needs discussed; program consisted of book review of "The Boise," musical solos, and a talk on the "Solomons" [perhaps meaning the Solomon Islands]
February 7, 1944: Poem read at beginning of meeting, "To Those Who Love the Great Outdoors"; library and committee reports; study committee studying South Pacific islands; historian gave talk on club history and the meaning of occident being "West"; motion carried to donate money to the Girl Reserves; motion carried for club to buy [war] bonds; program on spices
March 6, 1944: Library and committee meetings; Meridian City Council agrees to help keep club grounds preserved from "careless children," material needed for hospital slippers; motion to turn in a certain amount of bonds sold; club discussed sewing for the Lions club; program consisted of a picture show depicting how to make chair covers
April 3, 1944: Motion carried to donate to Cancer Control; committee reports; club to begin making bandages again; legislative committee reported on the "Soldier Vote" bill; motion to give Red Cross donation; nominating committee appointed for club elections; delegates for Federation convention nominated; discussion on renting club rooms to church organizations; reading on the "Origin of Easter Lily"; talk given on Post War problems
May 1, 1944: Committee reports; club reports 1800 surgical dressings made for Red Cross; club officer elections held with Edna McCoy elected new president; program a 20 year celebration of the club with a recognition of 4300 books now in the library; attached club "Red Cross Sewing" report and the annual secretary's report
June 5, 1944: Committee reports; the city agrees to cut the clubhouse grass; report on club manufacture of surgical bandages for Red Cross; legislative committee discussed post war concerns including the need for child welfare; donations for a wheelchair collected and motion for club to purchase the wheelchair; Board of Directors to meet to discuss how to dispose of old library books; book audit found books in good condition; the installation of new club officers; President McCoy states her yearly project goals to create a merry-go-round in the park and a recreational center for young people; new standing committee members assigned and listed
June 23, 1944: Director's Meeting; special meeting to dispose of old library books; amendments to bylaws regarding election procedures recommended; Directors recommend paying all their librarians a salary
July 3, 1944: Committee reports; issues with clubhouse grass being too long too cut; motion carried for club to hold Hobby Parade; program focused on "Pioneer Days" with pioneer stories
August 7, 1944: Committee reports; discussion on a recreational center; program on artistic arrangement of flowers, paintings, and other artistic topics
September 4, 1944: Committee reports; library fund committee suggests club agree to serve at any public event to make money; Card to be sent to Mrs. Priest whose son was killed in action; Lions club backs Occident Club desire for a recreational center; motion carried that the club officially sponsor a recreational center
October 2, 1944: Committee reports; recreation center project progressing
November 6, 1944: Committee reports; Emergency Chest report of bedpans and crutches loaned out, and new loaning policies; motion carried to donate money to National War Fund; old clothes to be collected for Russian Relief; motion carried that President McCoy contact city to help in paying for a regular librarian
December 4, 1944: Library report and committee reports; reported that city disapproved of helping pay a librarian; Emergency Closest supplies discussed; plumbing work for the recreation center; club works to hire janitor
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1944, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1944", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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