Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1936 Item Info

Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1936
Meridian Occident Club
Date Created:
January 4, 1936: library report and committee reports; motion carried to purchase 12 new chairs for the clubhouse before next meeting; Mary Matchem was approved to get new shelves for the library; program including a whistling solo and a talk by Katherine Ogilive on Japanese Art and the story of tea; Mrs. Galetin of the University Extension also talked about "Oriental Art," with examples
February 1, 1936: Library report; Mary Matchem reports that the High School Mannual Training Class is making new books shelves for the library; library hiring on some help to mend books; the 12 club chairs were purchased; club began planning a library shower for March 9th, sister clubs to be invited to the shower; bills and financial ballance; program consisted of musical numbers
March 7, 1936: Library report; book mending report; discussion on fundraisers to help make the library money, with a card party being decided; club president appoints a nominating committee for next year's officers; motion carried to purchase 12 more clubhouse chairs to match the first 12; program of music provided by Donald Williams, followed by a talk on "Pictures in the Home," teaching them not to put pictures of dead fish or game in a dining room
April 4, 1936: Federation dues to be sent off; library report; Cooked Food sale committee reported $10.42 made to be donated to the library fund; a girl as been brought on to help with the book mending and new book shelves installed; 200 new books donated through the library shower; General Fund financial report; program consisted of musical numbers and talks on plants, shrubs, and trees
May 2, 1936: Announcement of Federation convention date and location; committee reports; publicity chairman noted that club meetings and activities submitted to local paper; the second order of club room chairs arrived and in the clubrooms; club elections held, Elise Curtis the new president-elect; auditors appointed; delegates elected to attend Federation convention; Mrs. Masterson provided club a thorough report on the Safety Campaign Council held in Boise, Occident Club votes unanimously to support the council; Donald Stevens talked with the club about helping idle minds or those with extra time become educated on other productive endeavors to keep them mentally, morally, and physically healthy. The club believed this to be an important project to engage in in the Meridian community based on present conditions; club voted to sponsor a play in the fall, to be split 50-50 with Donald Steven's company; a talk was then give on mothers being God's best gift to Earth
June 15, 1936: Annual picnic, committee reports; discussion about whether the clubhouse will donate club room and piano two afternoons a week for recreational dancing; motion to not allow club rooms for recreational dancing passed; club sponsored play to be given August 15th; report on previous Federation convention; motion passed to have a float in the 4th of July parade, allowing ten dollars or more for its expense
July 13, 1936: Location for the August sponsored play still not determined, assignments given to help remedy the issue; Federation convention resolutions read and adopted; library report; committee reports; President Curtis announced the new member alignment for committees for the next year; the program consisted of music and various readings
August 3, 1936: Sister clubs from the surrounding area present as guests at meeting; library report; 40 books mended during June and July; discussion if the club could help with the Junior College Jamboree; Senator (Mrs. Curtis F.) Pike (state senator for Ada County) spoke to the club about the passing of the Federal Insurance Compensation bill and the appropriation of money hospital work, of which Pike was sponsoring both bills; musical numbers followed
September 5, 1936: Committee reports; library report; motion carried to leave the Jamboree donation idea until the next meeting; no official program scheduled so discussion on ideas for future programs held
October 3, 1936: Committee reports; motion carried to only allow the loaning of old club room chairs, not the new chairs; announcement of National Red Cross lectures; list of club members that paid their dues; program consisted of musical numbers and a talk and demonstration by Mrs. Marion White on jelly making
November 7, 1936: Committee reports; Library report including books mended; Mary Matchem requested donations for the Idaho Traveling Library event; report on the various clubhouse room rentals for October; sponsored play discussion; Mary Matchem announced she had Red Ross buttons and tickets to sell, suggested the club and library join the Red Cross together with a 50 cent payment, and the motion carried; more clubhouse room rentals discussed; program a musical number followed by a demonstration for Buffett Luncheons, with a folder of recipes received by each member
December 5, 1936: Grade School Children sing Christmas Carols for the club; motion carried for the club to be responsible for a Christmas basket to a needy family; motion carried for the club to take up a collection for the Children's Home Christmas gift; report on the details of the sponsored play; program featured a talk by Marion White on "The Home and Community at Christmas Time" discussing Christmas history, traditions, mythology, and practices in different countries
libraries public libraries clubs women-societies and clubs library clubs private clubs
Meridian, Idaho
Occident Club Minutes Folder 1936, Meridian Library District History Center
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Preferred Citation:
"Occident Club Meeting Minutes 1936", Meridian Occident Club, Meridian Library District
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